Today, KS1 went to visit Kenwood House to support our learning for our new topic ‘Hampstead Heath’. This was a great opportunity for the children to broaden their knowledge of the history, geography and science of their local area and we had SO much fun!

To finish off this week, Lorikeets will be writing a recount of our trip so it would be useful to talk to your children about what they saw and what they did. 


2 comments on “Lorikeets at Kenwood House!

  1. Hollie (Charlie’s mummy) says:

    Wow, what amazing photos Lorikeets! Looks like you all had a great time at Kenwood House. Charlie loved it!

  2. Marie-Camille (Felix’s mum) says:

    Such lovely pictures of the Lorikeets!! It seems that some had a lot of fun. Felix really enjoyed the day out.

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