
We had a great day celebrating Roald Dahl’s 100th Anniversary.

It started with a teachers book club! We all brought our favourite Roald Dahl book to our morning meeting and shared them with each other. Later on in the day some Year 6 Reading Ambassadors came and interviewed us about our chosen books.

How did you celebrate Roald Dahl Day?

Please post your comments here so we can continue to enjoy this special event.

13 comments on “Roald Dahl celebrations at the Rosary

  1. I can’t wait to read bfg

  2. That was so fun

  3. My favourite Roald Dahl book is bfg or Georges marvellous medicine

  4. It was so fun I learnt so many new things about Roald Daul!

  5. My favourite Roald Dahl book is The Witches!?

  6. I enjoyed Roald Dahl day.

  7. Happy birthday Roald Dahl! My personal favourite Ronald Dahl book is the witches .what’s yours?

  8. My faverite Roald Dahl book is the bfg and fantastic Mr fox

  9. My favourite book is the witches

  10. Christabella says:

    Just as Joe has been an inspiration to me,so is Roald Dahl as well because most or even all his books are so good that I always learn from it and it has made me love reading a lot.

  11. i like most roald dahl books but my favourite is either fantastic mr fox or charlie and the chocalate factory

  12. I enjoy roald Dahl day my favourite roald Dahl book is Charles factory I love it so much that was my first Ronald Dahl book ?

  13. My favourite book is the BFG.

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