On Thursday, Brother Andrew came to discuss our new RE topic ‘Mysteries’ with us & he was so impressed with what we have already begun learning.

Mysteries is quite a difficult topic to understand at such a young age, but we have talked about how we can link mysteries to God and we are learning that we don’t always have to have an answer so we can only wonder about the mystery.

To help us understand what a mystery is, we compared it to maths. We know the answer to 2 + 2 = 4 and there is only one clear answer. However, when it comes to the mystery of heaven, we can only wonder what it is like because none of us have ever been. Brother Andrew discussed the sea as an example with the children- we that we can learn lots of information about the sea but we will never know everything because it is so big and mysterious.

We have written thank you prayers to God thanking him for some of the mysteries of the world. We thanked God for thinks like clouds, rainbows, stars and the angels in heaven. Well done Sami, Leah & Oliver, your art & prayers were lovely.


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