If I were a Queen

If I were queen for the day

I would give every homeless a home

And I will make sure no one is alone


Once my job is done

I will feel like I have won

I will relax all day long

And nothing will go wrong


I will sing sweet songs

Until the day has gone

I will walk with pride

And always stride


I will feast until noon

And then watch the moon

I shall paint my wall green

Until my rein is no longer a queen

6 comments on “If I were Queen poem by Lilah

  1. Christabella ?? says:

    That poem is so good Lilah. ✔✔✔✔

  2. Anna McGrory says:

    What a beautiful Poem Lilah – this really made me smile today. Thank you so much

  3. Harrie Kirk-Thompson says:


  4. Maria did it too

  5. a.quigley says:

    I had no idea there were such great poets in the Condors!

  6. suzie.harris says:

    Well done Lilah -what a cheerful poem!

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