Sounds Amazing!

Esther, from the Crick, visited us today and taught us about sound. We started by thinking about why we have two ears. We then decided to investigate this and we made some predictions on what we may find out.
As part of the investigation, Lilah was blindfolded and had an earplug in one ear so we could see how accurately she could hear with just one ear. She then had to point where sounds were coming from in the classroom. Yekale, recorded the results. We then repeated the same activity with Lilah but without the earplugs so we could see if she could hear more accurately with two ears. We predicted that she would be able to hear more accurately…and we were right!

We also completed other experiments, including hearing and feeling sound vibrations by using coat hangers and investigating if sound travels better along a string which is held tightly or a string which is held loosely.




3 comments on “A visit from the Crick!

  1. That was so fun and I heard so many weird noises when I was using the coat hanger.

  2. Anna McGrory says:

    I have been so intrigued about what The Crick were planning to do ever since I saw all their giant suitcases in the Conference Room! And it looks like they did not disappoint! I am so pleased you all had a great time! Miss McGrory

  3. I loved, loved when the Crick came in.

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